MISSION: ACADEMY (Malay: MISI: AKADEMI) is the fourteenth overall episode of Agent Ali Series and the debut of Season 2. It is aired on 22 September, 2017.
Ali, Bakar, Comot and Alicia are going to M.A.T.A. Academy, but first, Ali must be prepared for the test to be qualified to enter.
The episode opens with the Cyberaya Bridge. Bakar, Alicia and Ali are on top of the bridge, ready to stop Komeng and his gang from stealing a cargo that is carried by a truck. The truck driver is unaware of Komeng and his bike gang because he is playing loud music. Feeling cocky, Ali springs into action without the approval of Bakar and Alicia. He uses his Yoyo to swing himself down to kick Komeng. Unfortunately, he misses and gets hit by a car screen instead.
With that, Bakar arrives on the cargo and takes down Komeng's gang who has climbed onto the cargo. Alicia assists Bakar by firing bombs atop of the bridge. However, she is unable to get a clear shot of Komeng, who is getting close to the truck. Ali catches up with Komeng's gang using his Kickscooter. He sends Comot to attack a biker while he takes another terrified biker for a fast drive on the lane. After all of the bikers are taken down, Bakar tells Ali to stop Komeng. Komeng attempts to attack Ali with the spiky wheels of his motorbike, but Ali defeats him with a blast of his Yoyo. Komeng is seen falling off of the bridge and into the water. Two of the bikers see him and one of them dives to save him. The agents gather on top of the cargo as they have accomplished their mission.
After the mission, the agents walk through a path with three vending machines to get some refreshments. Ali approaches the middle one and presses some buttons. The vending machine opens a room that changes the agents' suits to normal civilian outfits. Ali tells Bakar that this new M.A.T.A. facility gives more convenience to them ever since the M.A.T.A. Safehouse is fixed and upgraded. Ali asks Bakar when he can go to M.A.T.A. Academy, in which Bakar tells him that it is not a place to play around and it is difficult to enter.
After the opening credit, the scene switches to Ali's house. Dr. Ghazali is sleeping on the sofa and only wakes him when he falls down from it. He checks his phone and finds that he is late for work. He rushes into Ali's room to wake him up. However, he only finds Comot resting on the bed. Surprised, he walks into the kitchen and finds a plate of sandwiches and a cup of coffee on the dining table. He also finds a note with the meal. The note is written by Ali and he has gone to school.
Ali is riding on his Kickscooter, taking the path to school similar to "MISSION: IRIS". He swiftly slides off the stairs and dodges people around the shops. When he approaches the alley, he finds Shaun and Syed have blocked his path with boxes. Ali slides across the wall and makes it through. His Kickscooter tips over the boxes, causing them to fall onto the bullies.
In school, Viktor is seen entering class while playing games on his tablet. He is surprised to find Ali, who is already on his seat. He wonders when Ali has changed. Ali responds with a shy giggle. Puan Munah approaches Ali and reports of his improvements: he no longer is late for school, he always hands in his homework, and his exam results have improved. However, he gets a D- in his science test, which is considered a fail. Puan Munah tells him that science is a compulsory subject and if he doesn't pass, he will have to stay one more year. Ali thanks for her advise and promises to improve himself. Puan Munah responds that she is not giving him an advise but a warning.
Before she starts her lessons, a teacher comes in to make an announcement regarding clubs and societies. The teacher is Cikgu Bidin. He tells Ali that he is sent to Stamp Collecting Club due to all of the clubs being "full". After school, Ali and Viktor are walking across a corridor, going to their respective clubs. Ali asks Viktor who still collects stamps. Viktor is not paying attention as he is too busy playing the game he just lost. Ali asks which club he is in and Viktor says that he is in the E-Sports Club. Sasidaran later called Viktor into the room to join and later left Ali.
Ali could not find Room 52 in the corridor because the room only reached 51. Then, he came across a shed marked Room 52. Ali went to enter the room and only saw the condition of the room filled with old and dusty books. Alicia shows up out of the blue, surprising Ali and wondering if Alicia is interested in collecting stamps. Alicia resents Ali's insistence and reminds that there is no Stamp Collecting Club.
Cikgu Bidin appeared, and Ali tried to ask to change clubs, but Cikgu Bidin prevented and showed him a magic skill by pulling two stamps out of Ali's ears to distribute it to Ali and Alicia. Then, Cikgu Bidin asked Ali to insert the stamp into the stamp album book which is the key to access the secret elevator. After the elevator door opened, Cikgu Bidin handed the identity cards to Ali and Alicia and took them up the elevator. Ali is excited while Alicia is still cold.
In the elevator, Ali asked a question but Cikgu Bidin stopped and told him that he was a MATA agent, and disguised himself as a "teacher" in the school named Karya. It was revealed that he he joined MATA since they ran the young agent program. He explained that his job was to identify students with potential throughout Cyberaya to be recruited as MATA Agents. Ali wondered if all this time Karya was aware of him and Alicia as agents; Alicia joked that maybe the whole school realized that Ali was an agent. Karya recalls that he once helped them cover the trail to carry out the mission with various tricks such as announcing the closing of the school, calling all the teachers to a meeting room, and holding a fire drill.
Once the elevator reached the ground floor, Karya took Ali and Alicia to the pod station where Bakar and Comot were waiting. Ali was happy to be reunited with his uncle and his beloved cat. Then, they all boarded a pod vehicle that automatically traveled at hypersonic speeds; all the passengers sat down except for Ali who was too excited to fall and roll on the speed deck. The pod is traversing an underwater glass tunnel; Karya explains that the Academy is located on a secret island near Cyberaya that cannot be tracked in a map.
The pods arrived at their destination and they all got off and walked towards the Academy building. Karya goes to unlock the large door while asking the others to prepare for "something amazing." As soon as the door was opened, the feeling of excitement turned to dismay when the atmosphere in the building appeared to be in disarray, feared to be the result of an invasion. Karya told Bakar to take the two young agents away while he surveyed the situation. Ali hesitated to follow his uncle because he wanted to act and find out the situation.
Ali, Bakar, Alicia and Comot ran through a long network of corridors. Asked by Ali, Bakar said he was taking them to an emergency gathering place behind the Academy building, but did not guarantee safety because the place had never been attacked. Ali wondered why the Academy was suddenly attacked today. Alicia thinks that it wasn't the Academy that was targeted, so Ali thinks that IRIS is the possible objective. IRIS detects a tripping laser trap ahead that will explode if touched, so Ali immediately calls Bakar to be on the lookout but too late, so Bakar appears to be buried in the rubble that also blocks the road.
Comot grinned towards the back of the road, warning Ali. A man wearing a black and white striped mask and a black coat appeared, throwing cards at Ali. Ali managed to dodge and try to detect the man's identity but could not because the signal was blocked by the mask. Ali questions the man while taking cover behind a spinning yoyo disk, while Alicia tries to shoot him with a Ballistic, but the bullet is deflected by a card, while another card backfires on Alicia's back. Ali managed to push Alicia aside to survive.
Ali is determined to defeat the masked man, but Alicia urges him to run away to protect IRIS. Ali refuses because he wants to find his opponent's weakness. The masked man uses hypnotism to Ali and controls him to attack Alicia with his Sonic Yoyo. Comot intervened and clawed at the man while Alicia struggled to parry Ali's attacks until she was flung away. Alicia turned her head towards Ali and slapped him and berated him for what happened. Aware, the masked man had already fled.
Comot goes after the masked man until he enters a dark room, where he is trapped in a cage set up by the man. Ali and Alicia arrived at the dark room, while the masked man covered the cage with a black cloth and stepped on it until it was crushed. The action made them both horrified and angry, so Ali attacked the masked man with a yoyo furiously. Ali searched behind the black cloth and only found a crushed cage with no trace of Comot. The masked man took the opportunity to throw a card at Ali but Alicia managed to fend it off.
The masked man threw a barrage of cards at Alicia, and Alicia dodged them one by one. Ali grabbed one of the masked man's hands with his yoyo, but was countered by being swung and thrown. The masked man took advantage by drawing a sword and attacks Ali, but Ali managed to get up and fight back with a yoyo, so the two of them had to face-to-face. Alicia takes aim at the masked man and tells Ali to step aside, but Ali refuses because he wants to defeat the enemy himself. Alicia fired the bullet anyway, and Ali helped by running the masked man towards where the bullet landed. With that, the masked man is finally subdued by the bullet's gravity, and Ali goes to attack him one last time but is stopped by Bakar who comes to congratulate him.
The room lights were turned on, revealing a balcony filled with academy residents (students and mentors) watching the match. Ali is confused and wondering, so Bakar explains that so far no one has succeeded in the first day's test mission, so Ali and Alicia have set a new record. Agent Karya took off his disguise as a masked man and expressed his regret for not playing around, so Bakar patted his colleague on the shoulder while emphasizing how great Ali is. Karya also returned Comot to Ali. A female mentor in the audience welcomes Ali and Alicia and invites them upstairs. Everyone left the balcony for gathering except for a spiky-haired boy who glared at the new members of the Academy suspiciously.
At Numeros headquarters located in a cave, Cinco has just finished forging a forearm plate for Uno's cybernetic arm. Uno ordered Cinco to gather all the other agents and contact them before he left. Cinco was puzzled by the order but she initiated the task to follow her boss' orders.
Major characters
Minor characters
- Komeng
- Dr. Ghazali
- The Duo of Bullies (Cameo)
- Boy (Cameo)
- Viktor Ong
- Puan Munah
- Mia
- Leon (Debut)
- Geetha (Debut)
- Jet (Debut)
- Moon (Debut)
- Iman (Debut)
- Khai (Debut)
- Mika (Debut)
- Rudy (Debut)
- Roza (Debut)
- Chris (Debut)
- Bulat (Debut)
- Zass (Debut)
- Uno
- Cinco
- This episode along with "MISSION: ORIENTATION" has an limited, exclusive view at GSC One Utama on 23 to 24 September 2017, a day after the premiere of this episode.
- This episode reveals that Agent Karya is the teacher that makes announcements in school to cover up Ali and Alicia's absence when they go for a mission.
- This story is similar to Season 1 Episode 1, MISSION: IRIS.
- Ali's morning routine is similar to that episode.
- Instead of him being late, his father Dr. Ghazali is late for work while Ali has gone to school.
- The path Ali takes to school is similar but now he is able to travel smoothly due to his improved skills and abilities as an agent.
- Ali arrives early for class, not needing to sneak in after being late.
- Ali fails in a particular subject.
- Instead of Mathematics, he fails in Science in this episode.
- The grade that he gets for math was F, while for science it is a D-.
- Instead apologizing to the teacher, Ali thanks for the advise given by the teacher and promises to improve.
- Ali is accepted into an agency.
- Instead of being recruited as an agent in M.A.T.A., Ali is enrolled into M.A.T.A. Academy in this episode.
- Ali's morning routine is similar to that episode.