Agent Ali Wiki
Agent Ali Wiki

You call him.
Boy listen to Shaun in MISSION: PROTOCOL GEGAS

Shaun, a credibility of bullying other students, and Ali is one of their victims. In MISSION: I.R.I.S, they are bullying a student over an ice cream cone, but Ali interrupts them. Ever since then they've held a grudge against Ali and later, Comot.

In MISSION: ALPHA, they are once again bullying the same student over ice cream, but Ali manages to stop them using a strategically organised move thanks to the help of the I.R.I.S..

Besides bullying students, they also dabble in vandalism as seen in MISSION: BLUEPRINT.

In the commercial of MAMEE Monster BisKidz, the bullies portrayed in the MAMEE world as enemy soldiers.



  • Shaun seem to know who Ali was pre-series, because Syed immediately identifies him after he threw a can at them in MISSION: I.R.I.S..


Promotional Images[]


Ejen Ali[]

Season 1[]
Season 2[]